National Spectrum Strategy Update: Funding Approved for Lower 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz Band Studies
Shiva Goel, Senior Advisor for Spectrum Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary; Charles Cooper, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management; Derek Khlopin, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management; Scott Patrick, Executive Director, Office of Spectrum Management
We are thrilled to announce that all agency requests for funding to complete the Lower 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz band studies have been approved by the Technical Panel established by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act.
Building a spectrum pipeline takes real engineering and operational effort. That’s why Congress had the wisdom to make research, development, and planning resources—appropriately called “pipeline” funding—available from the Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) in the Spectrum Pipeline Act of 2015. Congress directed that proceeds from auctions of repurposed Federal spectrum be deposited into the SRF and that 10% of deposits after enactment be made available for approved pipeline activities. It thus ensured spectrum auctions “pay it forward” and sustain our progress in meeting the Nation’s growing spectrum access needs.
The Lower 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz bands pose both promise and unprecedented complexity for evaluating repurposing possibilities that meet those needs. Ten agencies operate incumbent systems in these bands, including point-to-point links, satellite networks, and radar systems based on land, air, and sea that operate at short, medium, and long ranges. Together, these agencies submitted sixteen distinct plans, some of which were comprised of equally complex underlying component plans, to support their role in these vital studies. The Technical Panel, composed of one member each from NTIA, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Federal Communications Communication, completed a rigorous review to ensure that the plans will advance the goals of the studies and meet all statutory factors.
We thank members of the Technical Panel and agency spectrum professionals supporting this effort for their hard work and service.