NTIA Announces 2020 Spectrum Policy Symposium
On September 22, NTIA will virtually host its annual Spectrum Policy Symposium. The Symposium will bring together experts from academia, private industry, and government to tackle the nation’s most pressing spectrum management challenges.
The Symposium is preceded by significant spectrum progress at NTIA and the Trump administration. In August, the White House announced the availability of an additional 100 MHz of spectrum following an NTIA 3450-3550 MHz band repurposing study. NTIA research is exploring potential repurposing in the 3100-3450 MHz band and has also helped lead to the current Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band auction.
Admission is free and open to the public via the NTIA website. For additional information or questions, email spectrumsymposium@ntia.doc.gov.