AWS-1 Transition
In 2002, NTIA and the Federal Communications Commission announced plans to make additional spectrum available for commercial use. This spectrum, in the 1710-1755 MHz range, would be transferred from Federal government users and made available to the private sector through spectrum auctions conducted by the FCC. The effort was authorized by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (CSEA) in 2004, which created a fund to allow Federal agencies to recover the costs of relocating their radio systems from the proceeds of the auction of the vacated spectrum. The auction of the 1710-1755 MHz band concluded in 2006, and Federal agencies and NTIA provide an annual report on the status of relocation activities as required by the CSEA.
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NTIA submitted this report to Congress on October 14, 2022 pursuant to Section 207 of the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (CSEA), Title II of Pub. L. 108-494. As authorized by the CSEA, the Spectrum Relocation Fund (SRF) provides a centralized and streamlined funding mechanism through which federal agencies can recover the costs associated with relocating their radio communications systems or sharing spectrum reallocated and authorized to be auctioned for commercial purposes.