2022 NTIA Spectrum Policy Symposium
NTIA’s fifth annual Spectrum Policy Symposium took place at the National Press Club in Washingon, D.C., on September 19, 2022. The Symposium, a hallmark event showcasing the Commerce Department’s leadership in national spectrum policy and management, has served as the chief forum for the Executive Branch to assess current technology and policy trends in key markets for wireless goods and services.
Morning session:
- Welcome: Charles Cooper, Associate Administrator, NTIA Office of Spectrum Management
- U.S. Leadership Keynote: Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo
- NTIA Remarks: Alan Davidson, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator
- FCC Remarks: Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel
- Panel Discussion: A National Spectrum Strategy: The Time is Now
- National Security Keynote: John Sherman, Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Defense.
- Panel Discussion: Can Spectrum Strategy Spur Wireless Innovation?
Afternoon session:
- Senate Leadership Keynotes: Perspectives on spectrum-related legislative and policy-making processes from Senators Ben Ray Luján and Roger Wicker.
- International Keynote: Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
- Panel Discussion: What to Expect from WRC-23.
- View from the House: U.S. Representative Mike Doyle reflects on current issues and Congress’ role in guiding U.S. spectrum and telecom policies.
- Space Keynote: NASA presentation: Badri Younes, Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Communications and Navigation (ScaN), NASA.
- Panel Discussion: USG Space Operations.
- Symposium Closing Remarks