A Community Conversation on Creating Digital Opportunities in Montana
Join NTIA's Digital Equity Director Angela Bennett, Tribal Leaders, Elected Officials, and Broadband Advocates for a Community Conversation on Creating Digital Opportunities at the Missoula Public Library in Missoula, Montana, on September 10, 2024, from 11:00 AM MT/1:00 PM ET to 1:00 PM MT/3:00 PM ET.
This conversation will bring together Tribal leaders, educators, telehealth advocates, and nonprofits to discuss new funding opportunities for digital inclusion as well as best practices for initiatives aimed at improving economic opportunities for Tribal and rural residents.
States, Tribes, and Territories are working to make #InternetforAll a reality nationwide. NTIA's Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program will invest nearly $1 billion via nonprofits, community anchor institutions, local educational agencies, workforce development organizations, and other entities to promote digital inclusion for low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, people with disabilities, people with language barriers, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural residents.
We all have a role to play in ensuring that every American can benefit from technology. In-person or online, contribute to this important conversation. For more information, please contact Daniel James II in the Office of Public Engagement.