Eric Nelson
Eric Nelson joined the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) in 2002 and oversaw the creation of a Project 25 digital land mobile radio testing laboratory which contributed to standards development within NTIA in support of public safety stakeholders. His team spearheaded creation of the P25 Compliance Assessment Program to investigate the conformance, performance, and interoperability of Project 25 equipment.
In 2007 he became the Chief of the Spectrum and Propagation Measurements Division at ITS. This division performs tests and measurements of radiofrequency systems that contribute to certification of radar systems, mitigation of interference to Federal spectrum dependent systems, and establishment and refinement of spectrum sharing related rulemakings, including the recent AWS-3 and 3.5 GHz auctions. Recent research is focused on improvements of electromagnetic compatibility models through measurements of radiowave pathloss in cluttered environments, the impacts of signal aggregation on Federal systems from commercial systems sharing spectrum, and early detection and alerting of interference events to meteorological satellite earth stations.
Prior to joining ITS he held systems engineering and supervisory positions in metropolitan, rural, and airborne cellular companies and served in the Washington Air National Guard as a combat communications officer. He received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington in 1993 with an emphasis in applied electromagnetics. His thesis involved pioneering climate change research for UW’s Applied Physics Laboratory using polar orbiting synthetic aperture radars to detect melt onset in the Arctic.