New Dashboard Highlights Coordinated Federal Investments in High-Speed Internet Programs
WASHINGTON – The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released a new dashboard and two reports today highlighting federal investments in high-speed Internet programs.
“Providing affordable, reliable high-speed Internet service to everyone in America requires a whole-of-government approach. Today’s reports show how Federal agencies across the Biden-Harris Administration are working together to target funding through the Internet for All initiative and close the digital divide,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information Alan Davidson. “We will provide high-speed Internet service to everyone by focusing on access, affordability and equity.”
The reports, “The 2022 Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth Annual Report” and “The 2022 Federal Broadband Funding Report,” were developed in accordance with the ACCESS BROADBAND Act, which requires NTIA to submit an annual report to Congress. The reports highlight how government agencies are coordinating to align on policy and implementation of the various high-speed Internet programs.
Together these reports include: a description of the activities of NTIA’s Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth; a description of how many households were provided broadband by universal service program or federal broadband support; and, a framework to guide future estimates of the economic impact of broadband deployment efforts.
As an enhancement from the previous year’s report, NTIA developed a dashboard to accompany the Federal Broadband Funding Report. The data in the Investing in Internet for All Dashboard serves as a benchmark of recent federal investments into high-speed Internet funding programs, beginning in Fiscal Year 21 (October 2020-September 2021). Federal broadband spending from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other federal initiatives passed after FY21 will be included in future iterations of the dashboard.
This dashboard:
Includes spending data from 13 agencies across 98 federal high-speed Internet programs.
Reports Tribal broadband funding for the first time.
Includes data by federal program at the state level.
Breaks out funding by appropriated (budgeted by Congress), obligated (awarded for spending by the program) and outlayed (spent by the program).
Internet for All
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes a historic $65 billion investment to expand affordable and reliable high-speed Internet access in communities across the U.S. NTIA’s high-speed Internet grant programs funded by the law will build high-speed Internet infrastructure across the country, create more low-cost high-speed Internet service options, and address the digital equity and inclusion needs in our communities.
Additionally, the Federal Communications Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward Internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Visit GetInternet.Gov to learn more.
For more information on the Biden-Harris Administration’s high-speed Internet service programs, please visit
About the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the Executive Branch agency that advises the President on telecommunications and information policy issues. NTIA’s programs and policymaking focus largely on expanding broadband Internet access and adoption in America, expanding the use of spectrum by all users, advancing public safety communications, and ensuring that the Internet remains an engine for innovation and economic growth.