NE Capacity & Planning Grant Program Get Ready One-Pager
This document was created to support applicants in applying for the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program: Native Entities (2024), hereto referred to as the NE Capacity & Planning Grant Program. The NOFO establishes a competitive process to make both State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program funds and State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program funds available to Native Entities to carry out digital equity and inclusion activities consistent with the Digital Equity Act.
Native Entity Digital Equity Funding at a Glance
The Digital Equity Act makes funds available for a variety of digital equity related purposes. The information below can help Native Entities (Indian Tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations) to understand the various funding opportunities available and their role as outlined by statute.
Get Ready - State Digital Equity Capacity and Planning Grant Program: Native Entities
Digital Equity Act: Funding Available for Native Entities at a Glance
ACP Small Provider Participation Guide
States and Territories Application Guidance
Introduction to the State Digital Equity (DE) Capacity Grant Program
What is the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program?
Previously, the State Digital Equity Planning Grant provided States and Territories funds to develop Digital Equity Plans. This second Program will make funds available to put the Digital Equity Plans into action. States and Territories must ensure they are reaching all of the Covered Populations within their jurisdiction.
Note: Certain Native Entities are also eligible to apply for Capacity Grant and Planning Grant funding through a competitive process.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Workforce Planning Guide
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will transform the landscape of high-speed Internet in America, improving access to health care, education, and civic engagement while connecting families and communities across the country. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration at the Department of Commerce supports the Administration’s commitment to equitable and highly skilled jobs in shaping the future of the high-speed Internet workforce.