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Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Applications Recommended for Award
This webpage showcases a table of the recent applications recommended for award from the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program, organized by state for ease of reference. Please note that the award amount is subject to change, pending final review and processing of the award.
Updated January 17, 2025.
Technology in Service of Human Progress: NTIA’s Accomplishments in the Biden-Harris Administration
Fact Sheet: Useful Life Schedule
Equity Fact Sheet: How Internet for All Investments Are Reaching Underserved Communities
NTIA Receives 43 Comments on 6G Policy
NTIA received 43 written comments in response to its Request for Comment (RFC) on how U.S. government policies can support the development of the next mobile generation: 6G.
Secure and reliable communications services are vital to U.S. economic competitiveness and national security. The wireless industry is beginning to plan for the development of 6G, and the U.S. has already partnered with like-minded partners in establishing joint principles to shape the future of this next mobile generation.
Get Ready - State Digital Equity Capacity and Planning Grant Program: Native Entities
Digital Equity Act: Funding Available for Native Entities at a Glance
Local Estimates of Internet Adoption (Project LEIA) Interactive Map
Note: These estimates are experimental. The underlying data and methodology are available from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Final BEAD Alternative Broadband Technology Policy Notice
A Community Conversation on Digital Equity, Job Creation, and Entrepreneurship in Michigan
Join NTIA's Assistant Secretary Alan Davidson and the Detroit Mayor's Office for a Community Conversation on Digital Equity, Job Creation, and Entrepreneurship at the Public Safety Headquarters in Detroit, Michigan, on August 28, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM ET.
It will bring together community leaders, nonprofit advocates, entrepreneurs, and academic allies to highlight digital equity milestones and efforts to create economic opportunities. This event will be livestreamed and open to press.