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Notice of Funding Opportunity Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program

Date of Publication
July 24, 2024
Docket Number

Key Dates

Complete applications from Eligible Entities, including Indian Tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations (“Native Entities”) must be received through the NTIA Grants Portal no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on September 23, 2024.

Complete applications from the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any other territory or possession of the United States (“U.S. Territories”) must be received through the NTIA Grants Portal no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on October 22, 2024.

Application materials are available on the BroadbandUSA website.

NTIA expects to begin issuing awards to applicants pursuant to this Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) by Winter of 2024 and no later than April 20, 2025. NTIA expects to make awards on a rolling basis.

Application Submission Address

All applicants must submit complete application packets through the NTIA Grants Portal. Applications or portions thereof submitted through postal mail, courier, email, facsimile, or other means will not be accepted.

Funding Opportunity Description

This Notice of Funding Opportunity solicits applications for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program (“Competitive Grant Program” or “Program”), the third of three digital equity programs authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, Division F, Title III, Public Law 117-58, 135 Stat. 429, 1209 (November 15, 2021) (“Infrastructure Act”) also known as the (“Digital Equity Act” or “DE Act”). The Digital Equity Act appropriated $2.75 billion to be awarded by the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information (“Assistant Secretary”) to promote digital equity and inclusion.

The Digital Equity Act consists of three funding programs:

  1. the $60 million State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program;
  2. the $1.44 billion State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program; and
  3. the $1.25 billion Competitive Grant Program.

The Digital Equity Planning Grant Program was launched in May of 2022 and is now complete. Under the Planning Grant Program, 56 States and U.S. Territories created Digital Equity Plans that identified the barriers to digital equity faced by certain populations defined by the statute (i.e., “Covered Populations”)1 and measurable objectives for addressing those barriers. The State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity was released on March 29, 2024, and will provide funds to States and U.S. Territories to implement the Digital Equity Plans created through the Digital Equity Planning Grant Program, as well as provide funds for Indian Tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations (“Native Entities”) to address the digital equity needs of the Covered Populations within those communities. The Capacity Grant Program is on-going and will continue to address the needs of the Covered Populations as identified in the State and U.S. Territories’ Digital Equity Plans and as identified by Native Entities.

The Competitive Grant Program will make funds available to a wide range of entities to address barriers to digital equity faced by Covered Populations as defined by 47 U.S.C. §1721(8). The Competitive Grant Program will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations. Specifically, the Digital Equity Act authorizes funds to be used for the development and implementation of digital inclusion activities that benefit the Covered Populations; programs that facilitate the adoption of broadband by Covered Populations to provide educational and employment opportunities; training programs that cover basic, advanced, and applied skills; workforce development programs; access to equipment, instrumentation, networking capability, hardware and software, or digital network technology for broadband services at low or no cost; and the construction or operation of public access computing centers for Covered Populations. Awards will focus on addressing the needs of the Covered Populations not met by the Capacity Grant Program and will strive for a diverse pool of recipients. To ensure funds are directed to the most effective programs with the greatest reach, and to minimize administrative overhead, NTIA encourages proposals that demonstrate a broad partnership of entities with the ability to administer significant resources and address the varied concerns of the Covered Populations.

Funding Instrument



The following entities are eligible to apply for grants under the Competitive Grant Program so long as that entity is not serving, and has not served, as the administering entity for a State under either the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program or the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program:

  1. A political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of a State, including an agency of a State that is responsible for administering or supervising adult education and literacy activities, or for providing public housing, in the State.
  2. An Indian Tribe, an Alaska Native entity, or a Native Hawaiian organization (“Native Entity”).
  3. A foundation, corporation, institution, or association that is
    1. a not-for-profit entity; and
    2. not a school.
  4. A community anchor institution.
  5. A local educational agency.
  6. An entity that carries out a workforce development program.
  7. A partnership between any of the entities described in paragraphs (1) through (6).

U.S. Territories are eligible to apply for funding under a separate set-aside established exclusively for U.S. Territories pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §1724(j)(3). To apply, U.S. Territories should complete an application as described in Section IV of this NOFO. U.S. Territories are not considered to be “Eligible Entities” for the Competitive Program, however, and their applications will be reviewed separately.

Anticipated Amounts

Grant awards will be made on a competitive basis under the criteria outlined in Section V of this NOFO and will depend upon the number of applicants and the size of the proposals submitted. NTIA expects to make individual Competitive Grant Program awards to Eligible Entities within a range of $5,000,000 and $12,000,000. This funding range is not a required minimum or maximum, but Eligible Entities requesting award amounts outside that range must explain why their application falls below or above this range and must provide a compelling justification for the variance in their project size. NTIA encourages partnerships of multiple eligible entities to consider applying for larger awards. As discussed below, awards to U.S. Territories are not subject to this estimated funding range due to the amount of funds available.

Congress has appropriated $750,000,000, less NTIA’s cost of administering the program, for grants under the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program through fiscal year 2024 ($250,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024). As statutorily required, five (5) percent ($37,500,000) will be reserved for Native Entities and one (1) percent ($7,500,000) will be reserved for U.S. Territories.2 Congress has also appropriated an additional $250,000,000, less administrative expenses, for fiscal year 2025 which is anticipated to become available in October of 2024. If these funds become available, NTIA intends to award these additional funds, including a five (5) percent set-aside for Native Entities and a one (1) percent set-aside for U.S. Territories. Any funds not awarded, including further appropriations, will be made available through future NOFO(s).3

47 U.S.C. §1724(j)(2) establishes a five (5) percent set-aside exclusively for Native Entities. Accordingly, NTIA has set aside $37,500,000 for Native Entities and will increase this amount to $50,000,000 if the fiscal year 2025 funds become available. However, Native Entities are also included within the definition of an Eligible Entity under the Competitive Grant Program. Accordingly, applications from Native Entities will be considered as part of the Competitive Grant Program along with other Eligible Entities. If Native Entities are not funded to at least the amount of the Native Entity set-aside during the initial award process, lower scoring Native Entity Applications will be considered until either the set aside has been exhausted, or until there are no further qualifying Native Entity applications. Any remaining funds from the Native Entity set-aside that are not distributed under this NOFO will be made available to Native Entities in future NOFO(s).

47 U.S.C. §1724(j)(3) establishes a one (1) percent set-aside for U.S. Territories. Accordingly, NTIA has set aside $7,500,000 for U.S. Territories and will increase this amount to $10,000,000 if the fiscal year 2025 funds become available. Individual awards to U.S. Territories will not exceed $2,500,000. While NTIA anticipates that awards to individual U.S. Territories will be greater than $1,000,000, this is not a mandatory minimum and will be determined based on the number of applications and amount of funding requested. See Section V.D.4 of this NOFO for additional information on award selection for U.S. Territories. Any remaining funds from the set aside for U.S. Territories that are not distributed under this NOFO will be made available to U.S. Territories in future NOFO(s).

Cost Sharing/Matching

As required by 47 U.S.C. §1724(e)(1), the amount of a Competitive Grant awarded to an Eligible Entity through this program may not exceed 90 percent of the total project cost (i.e., there is a 10% matching requirement). The Assistant Secretary may grant a waiver of this limitation if an applicant petitions for a waiver and demonstrates financial need. Applications that propose matching funds in excess of 10% (as described in Section V.D.2 of this NOFO) will be given additional consideration over those that meet only the minimum requirement. U.S. Territories may not be subject to the federal cost share/matching requirement depending upon the size of those awards.

NOFO Summary

The following table provides a summary of key provisions within this Notice of Funding Opportunity.

U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIA 
Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity
Funding Opportunity Number NTIA-DECGP-2024

Program OverviewThis Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) solicits applications for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program (“Competitive Grant Program” or “Program”), the third of three digital equity programs authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. The Competitive Grant Program will make funds available to a wide range of entities to address barriers to digital equity faced by Covered Populations.
Funding InstrumentGrant
Award Project PeriodGrant recipients must expend the grant amounts during the four (4) year period after the date on which the entity is awarded the grant. Grant recipients may continue to measure and evaluate the activities supported with the grant amounts for a period of one (1) year after the initial four (4) year Period of Performance. No extensions to the four (4) year Period of Performance or the one (1) year evaluation period will be granted.
Goals & ObjectivesProposed programs, projects, and activities will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations.
Eligible Projects/Topic AreasDevelop and implement digital inclusion activities that benefit one or more of the Covered Populations; Facilitate the adoption of broadband by the Covered Populations in order to provide educational and employment opportunities; Implement training programs for the Covered Populations that cover basic, advanced, and applied skills; Implement workforce development programs; Make available equipment, instrumentation, networking capability and digital network technology for broadband services to Covered Populations at low or no cost; Construct, upgrade, expand, or operate new or existing public access computing centers for Covered Populations through community anchor institutions; or undertake any other project or activity the Assistant Secretary finds to be consistent with the purposes of the Program. Grantees may also use not more than 10 percent of the grant amount to measure and evaluate the activities supported with the grant amounts.
Eligible Applicants

The following entities are eligible to apply for grants under this Program if the entity is not serving, and has not served, as the administering entity for a State under 47 U.S.C. §1723(b):

  1. A political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of a State, including an agency of a State that is responsible for administering or supervising adult education and literacy activities, or for providing public housing, in the State.
  2. An Indian Tribe, an Alaska Native entity, or a Native Hawaiian organization.
  3. A foundation, corporation, institution, or association that is
    1. A not-for-profit entity; and
    2. Not a school.
  4. A community anchor institution.
  5. A local educational agency.
  6. An entity that carries out a workforce development program.
  7. A partnership between any of the entities described in paragraphs (1) through (6).

U.S. Territories may apply for the territorial set aside provided for at 47 U.S.C. §1724(j)(3) by submitting an application consistent with Section IV of this NOFO.

Funding AmountCongress has appropriated $750,000,000 for grants under the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program through fiscal year 2024. Five (5) percent ($37,500,000) is reserved for Native Entities and one (1) percent ($7,500,000) is reserved for U.S. Territories. NTIA expects to make awards to Eligible Entities, including Native Entities, within a range of $5,000,000 and $12,000,000. Awards to U.S. Territories will not exceed $2,500,000.

Congress appropriated an additional $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2025 which is anticipated to become available in October of 2024. If these funds become available, NTIA intends to award these funds under this NOFO, subject to the required statutory set asides and administrative expenses, if there are sufficient meritorious applications. In the event that the additional funds are made available, the Native Entity set aside will increase to $50,000,000 and the U.S. Territory set aside will increase to $10,000,000.
Cost Share/Matching RequirementsUnder the terms of the Digital Equity Act, the amount of a Competitive Grant award may not exceed 90 percent of the total project cost (i.e., grantees must secure at least 10% matching funds). Applicants may apply for a waiver of this cost share requirement as described in Section III.B of this NOFO. Applications that propose matching funds greater than the minimum amount will receive additional consideration as part of the selection process.
Estimated Number and Type of Award(s)NTIA anticipates that it will issue between 150 and 200 grant awards under this Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Key DatesApplications from Eligible Entities must be received by September 23, 2024. Applications from U.S. Territories must be received by October 22, 2024.
How to ApplyApplication materials are available on the BroadbandUSA website.
Review and Selection Process

The application review process will be conducted in three stages:

  1. Initial Eligibility and Administrative Review,
  2. Merit Review, and
  3. Programmatic Review.

To accelerate issuance of awards, Programmatic Review will be conducted using prioritized groupings and award recommendations will be made on a rolling basis. Following the conclusion of the Programmatic Review for each prioritized grouping, the OICG Associate Administrator will recommend a list of ranked applications, including the identification of awards to Native Entities and U.S. Territories, to the NTIA Assistant Secretary, who is the Selecting Official for this program. Details of the selection process can be found in Section V of this NOFO.

Agency Contacts

Please direct programmatic inquiries to:
Angela Thi Bennett
Director of Digital Equity
Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue,
NW Washington, DC 20230
Phone: (202) 482-2048
Email: DigitalEquity

Please direct grant management inquiries to:
Darren Olson
Grants Officer
Grants Management Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
325 Broadway Boulder,
CO 80305
Phone: (720) 693-0465
Email: Darren Olson

Please direct media inquiries to:
Charles Meisch
Director of Public Affairs
Office of Public Affairs
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue NW,
Room 4897
Washington, DC 20230
Phone: (202) 482-7002
Email: Press Email