Envisioning an Equitable, Inclusive Connected America
The Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth (OICG) is a mission-driven office working to connect everyone in America to affordable, reliable, high-speed Internet service. It coordinates with federal agencies, states, territories, Tribal governments, the private sector, educational institutions, nonprofits, and other stakeholders to implement its programs. OICG made funding decisions, constructed evaluation frameworks, developed dashboards and mapping tools, and continued to solicit feedback and received input from a wide range of stakeholders to inform design elements and management decisions for its grant programs. As OICG continues to work with stakeholders to make impactful decisions and tackle the challenges of digital inequity, its relationships with states, territories, and Tribes continue to get stronger, reinforcing the foundation to successfully close the digital divide. It further advanced connectivity and digital equity by making funding decisions and allocations for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Equity based on inclusive data methodologies. It continued its work on prior high-speed Internet grant programs, including the Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP), the Connecting Minority Communities (CMC) Pilot Program, and the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP).
In the years ahead, OICG will continue to lead the way in closing the digital divide, funding broadband initiatives, and using data to improve digital equity and inclusion. OICG will expand coordination with organizations such as states, territories, localities, Tribal governments, industry, community organizations, and nonprofits to build toward achieving universal access to high-speed Internet networks. OICG will continue to work toward a future where everyone in America can access and use affordable, reliable, high-speed Internet service, connecting people to broadband’s engine of opportunity while fostering inclusive growth in the modern economy.
To follow OICG’s work and continued progress managing its federal high-speed Internet grant programs, please visit BroadbandUSA and