3450-3550 MHz
Last updated June 13, 2024
Effective March 11th 2024, the Norfolk CPA was deleted and Newport News CPA/PUA was renamed to “Newport News-Norfolk (Includes Fort Story SESEF Range)” CPA/PUA. Please see FCC order DA-24-233 for additional information about this update.
Access the KML file of CPA and PUA via the Spectrum Frequency Band Hub
Effective November 22, 2022, within the Cooperative Planning Area of Little Rock, Arkansas, the Department of Defense (DoD) requires coordination only in the lower 40 megahertz of the band (i.e., 3450-3490 MHz); coordination in the upper 60 megahertz (i.e., 3490-3550 MHz) in the Little Rock CPA is no longer required.
- The Department of Defense email address "osd.pentagon.dod-cio.mbx.emsepp---3450-3550-mhz@mail.mil" is the official entry point for general enquiries related to this band, and to request informal non-binding discussion.
- Before engaging in discussions and coordination with the DoD, licensees and the DoD must enter into a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) to protect proprietary, confidential, and/or controlled unclassified information (CUI) exchanged therein.
- DoD's portal, https://www.345ipic.com, is the primary conduit for licensees to successfully coordinate with DoD prior to operating in Cooperative Planning Areas (CPA). The portal also facilitates development of Operator-to-Operator Agreements, which may be used to codify the processes and procedures for successful coordination in Periodic Use Areas (PUA). To request a portal account, send an email to osd.pentagon.dod-cio.mbx.emsepp---3450-3550-mhz@mail.mil.
The Beat CHINA for 5G Act of 2020 requires that the non-federal allocation for 3450-3550 MHz be revised to permit flexible-use services. The Act also requires that an auction of 3450-3550 MHz band begin no later December 31, 2021.
DoD-provided Workshop Regarding Ongoing DoD Operations in the 3.45-3.55 GHz Band
On July 12, 2021, DoD held a workshop to provide potential bidders in the upcoming FCC auction with information about ongoing DoD operations in the 3.45-3.55 GHz band that will require coordination. In addition, DoD has distributed controlled unclassified information (CUI) via the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) National Coordinating Center for Communications (NCC). Entities that are not NCC members can access DoD’s CUI by signing the FCC’s Protective Order in accordance with instructions in the Protective Order accompanying Public Notice.
- DoD Workshop Information
- FCC’s Public Notice of Protective Order to Provide Auction 110 Applicants Access to Controlled Unclassified Information on Department of Defense Systems in the 3.45-3.55 GHz Band
- FCC’s Auction 110 Protective Order for Access to Controlled Unclassified Information on Department of Defense Systems in the 3.45-3.55 GHz Band
On June 3, 2021, as required by 47 U.S.C. § 923(h)(5), NTIA posted the publicly releasable approved transition plans along with additional transition information provided by DOD. On July 23, NTIA posted updates to the DOD Workbook and Workbook Explanation, and archived the prior versions.
Transition Plans and Transition Data for the 3450-3550 MHz Band
On June 2, 2021, NTIA and FCC, through its Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, jointly issued a Public Notice that provides (i) information for potential bidders in the upcoming 3.45 GHz Service auction and (ii) guidance to the ultimate 3.45 GHz Service licensees and the affected federal incumbents regarding coordination procedures for shared use of the 3.45 GHz band.
Joint Public Notice on Coordination Procedures in the 3450-3550 MHz Band
On February 19, 2021, as a result of the further collaborative efforts between NTIA, the Department of Defense (“DoD”), and the FCC, NTIA submitted a letter into the FCC Docket “Amendment of the Commission’s Rules with Regard to Facilitating Shared Use in the 3100-3550 MHz Band” providing spectrum management details of DoD’s Cooperative Planning Area and Periodic Use Area set forth in the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. In addition, specific requirements for two of the Cooperative Planning Areas, more details on federal/non-federal coordination procedures, and other information and views for the record is provided.
Initial Estimated Relocation or Sharing Costs and Timelines for the 3450-3550 MHz Spectrum Band
On January 14, 2021, NTIA provided initial estimated relocation or sharing costs and timelines for the 3450-3550 MHz spectrum band to the Committees on Appropriations and Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, and to the Committees on Appropriations and Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate for approval, and notified the Federal Communications Commission and Comptroller General.
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Archive of Transition Plans and Transition Data for the 3450-3550 MHz Band
3450-3550 Mhz Archive Files
FCC-NTIA Joint Coordination Procedure Notice on 3.45-355 GHz
The Federal Communications Commission’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) and NTIA issue this joint Public Notice to provide information about the cooperative sharing framework for federal and non- federal coordination in certain, defined areas where and when federal incumbents require continued access in the 3.45–3.55 GHz band.