Broadband Opportunity Council Comments
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the Deere & Company documents should be considered unclassified and free for public release with no restrictions. These documents were incorrectly labeled.
Comments received in Docket Number 1540414365-5365-01, Broadband Opportunity Council Notice and Request for Comment.
- Abilene Public Library
- Acton Plan Cooperative
- Advanced Communications Law & Policy Institute
- Advanced Superabrasives Inc.
- Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Telecommunications Committee
- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
- Alaska Rural Coalition
- Albemarle-Kenmore Neighbors Association
- Alford, Dulce
- Allen, Terry W.
- American Cable Association
- American Library Association
- American Telemedicine Association
- AT&T Services, Inc.
- Atkins, Brian
- Bay Area Council
- Benton Foundation
- Blegen, Edward
- Bluebird Network
- Boggs, Harriett
- Booker, Joyetta
- Bostnick, Janet
- Bowers, Jarid
- Brenner, David and Marilyn
- Britton, Jill
- Broadband Collaborative
- broadbandnow
- Buhrkuhl, Tom and Mary
- Buhrkuhl, Tom and Mary (2)
- California Department of Technology
- California Emerging Technology Fund
- California Emerging Technology Fund (Appendices 41MB)
- Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce
- Canida, Monna
- Cascone, Anthony
- Casey, Mary Ruth
- CenturyLink, Inc.
- Charlton, Melissa
- Chatham County NC
-, LLC
- Choice Broadband
- City and County of San Francisco
- City of Osage Beach
- City of Winters
- CK Blandin Foundation
- Clarkson, Rob
- Clegg, Roger
- Coalition for Local Internet Choice
- CoBank
- Cochise County Board of Supervisors
- Coeur d’Alene Tribe
- Cole, Rollie
- Colorado Association of Regional Organizations
- Comcast Business
- Communications Workers of America
- Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
- CompassPoint Technologies, LLC
- Connect Your Community 2.0
- Connected Nation, Inc.
- Conxxus, LLC
- Cooksey, Libby
- Covelli, Donna
- CTIA – The Wireless Association
- Daley, Elizabeth
- Datagrammatics Inc.
- Deere & Company
- Deluhery, Rod
- Dempsey, George and Veronica
- Detroit Community Technology Project and the Resilient Communities Program, New America
- Dross, Polly C
- Ericsson
- EveryoneOn
- Ferree, Nancy
- Ferree, Robert
- Fiber to the Home Council Americas
- Fiberutilities Group, LLC
- Fielding, Ed
- Fielding, Ed (2)
- FireServe Broadband Internet
- Fishback, Sharon
- Fizer, Paula
- Fleming, Gerald
- Fleming, Joel
- Foundation Telecommunications, Inc.
- Free Press
- Friend, Diane
- Gaeke, Dwayne
- Gaeke, Robert
- General Communications, Inc.
- GENI Project Office Raytheon BBN Technologies
- Georgia Technology Authority
- Gideon, Beth
- Gilchrist, Sharon
- Gilkerson, Paul and Joan
- Google Inc.
- Grate, Matt
- Green, Andy and Stacy
- Green, Darlene
- Hagen, Elaine and Dave
- Hatley, Debbie
- Heffern, Rebozo
- Hensell, Kathy
- Hetherington, George M.
- Heuring, Kyna
- Hicks II, Edward
- High, Alta
- Hogue, Charley
- Huntington Ophthalmology, PC
- ICF International
- Illinois 21st Century Digital Futures Alliance NFP
- Independent Telephone & Telecommunications Alliance
- Indiana Department of Transportation
- Information Technology Industry Council
- Information Technology & Innovation Foundation
- Institute for Local Self-Reliance
- Iowa Communications Alliance
- Island Institute
- Jackson, Karen
- Joanne’s Radiology Transcription
- JALA International
- Jenkins County Development Authority
- Johnson, Gary
- Johnson, Ron
- Jones, Gail
- Kaelber, Dr. David
- Kehus, Cynthia A.
- Kindle, Dwayne
- Klatt, Mark and Kathy
- Klise, Kate
- Kopecky, Randy
- Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, et al.
- Levin, Blair
- Lexington Broadband Initiative
- Lifeline Connects Coalition
- Lone Eagle Consulting
- Long, Samantha
- Louisiana State University
- MacIntyre, Norman
- Manfredi, Frank
- Marcus Spectrum Solutions LLC
- Martin County Board of County Commissioners
- Mathis, Virgil
- McComb, William and Ardith
- McGuire, Vince and Lynnette
- Metts, William
- Meyer, Randolph and Dorothy
- Midkiff, Brenda
- Minnesota Office of Broadband Development
- Mississippi State University Extension Service Intelligent Community Institute
- Mobile Future
- Monroe Health Center
- Monte R. Lee and Company
- Moore, David
- Morgan, Charlotte
- Morrison, Melissa
- Mozilla
- Musgrave, Edward
- National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
- National Cable & Telecommunications Association
- National Congress of American Indians
- National Digital Inclusion Alliance
- National Hispanic Media Coalition
- National Housing Conference
- National League of Cities
- National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
- National Rural Health Association
- National Tribal Telecommunications Association
- National Urban League
- New America's Open Technology Institute
- Nelson County, VA
- NoaNet
- Noel Communications
- North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services
- Norton, Marian
- Novak, Lawana
- NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association
- O3b Networks
- Oregon Broadband Advisory Council
- Owen Holdings, LLC
- Ostrand, Keith
- P.S.S. Inc.
- PCIA – The Wireless Infrastructure Association
- Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program
- Pintar, Bette
- Pioneer Broadband
- Port of Whitman County
- Poyser, Jonathan
- Public, Jean
- Redzone Wireless, LLC.
- Reecht, Paula
- Reed, Jane and George
- Reese, Mike
- Regional Fiber Consortium
- Representatives Huffman, Eshoo, Welch, Loebsack, Thompson, Lujan, Kilmer, and Tonko
- Rhinesmith, Colin
- Robertson, Gary and Jennifer
- Roy, Barbara
- Rural Broadband Policy Group
- Rural County Representatives of California
- Rural Telecommunications Congress
- Russell, Kevin P.
- Sapp, Gina
- Satellite Industry Association
- Saylor, Don, Yolo County Supervisor
- Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition
- Schultz, Ralph
- SDN Communications, South Dakota Telecommunications Association
- Seeds of Literacy
- Senator Amy Klobuchar
- Seth, La Vana
- Shea, Carol
- SMT Rail Corporation
- Slaton, Jon
- Srinivasan, Professor S., Texas Southern University
- State of Illinois
- Steen, Daryl
- Stevens County Washington and WSU Stevens County Extension
- Stoffa, Paul
- Stowell, Jim
- Strategic Networks Group
- Taylor, Everet B.
- TechAmerica
- Technology and Information Policy Institute
- Telecommunications Industry Association
- The Quilt
- Tom and Betty
- Town of Benton
- Town of Hawley
- University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (d/b/a “Internet2”)
- US Ignite
- USTelecom
- Utah Department of Transportation
- Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development
- Utilities Telecom Council
- Valley Vision and the Connected Capital Area Broadband Consortium
- Valu-Net LLC
- Walker, Angela
- Walker, Fred
- Walker, Fred (2)
- Walser, Jesse
- Walsh, Jeremiah
- Washington State University
- Watauga County Planning & Inspections and Economic Development
- Webb, Louise
- Mark Wells
- Western Rural Development Center
- Whittle Electronics
- Wilson, Shelley
- Windstream Services, LLC
- Wireless Internet Service Providers Association
- Yolo Local Agency Formation Commission
- Zelenok, David S.